Sunday, March 1, 2015

My New Favorite 5 Steps To Getting Over It

My New Favorite 5 Steps To Getting Over It

1. Breathe
2. Relax
3. Realize It Will Work Out
4. Understand Some People Suck
5. You’re Not One of Them

            Ever just wake up and your day is going pretty good and then it all turns to poop because you allow other people to dictate your mood? That has honestly happened a lot less lately to me because I have gotten to the point in my life where I know who and what matters. It took a long time but I am human and what people say and think still gets to me. Wednesday was another one of those days. I will never understand why it is so easy for people to be cruel to one another. I will never understand why people feel good about making other people feel bad. I also do not understand how there is such a huge emphasis on anti-bullying in schools but it is so prominent in the workplace and yet it remains a silent issue.

            So, I sent a text to one of my new friends Cornell Thomas. I met Cornell through one of my best friends, soul sister, yogi, professional DJ, wonder woman  - aka the one and only DJ Lindsay Klein. She has an amazing blog that you can checkout here: 

           Anyway, back to Cornell. We have “known” each other for a very long time but never “knew” each other. He worked at a local pharmacy in the town I grew up in and he went to my rival high school. Cornell is also the author of two books. The Power of Positivity – Controlling Where the Ball Bounces and The Power of Me – Army of One. Both absolutely amazing books that make you feel like you can conquer the world. Which is what we all need to feel all the time, every day, every minute.

            So I sent him a text and was basically telling him how I was infuriated. I have not been angry in a long time. The circumstances are not important right now.  But he asked why and I told him. His response came in 5 texts. The first two were “breath” and “relax” which pissed me off even more because I hate when people tell me that. I am obviously breathing cause I am texting you. And if I could relax I would not need to talk about the fact that I am pissed.

And then he wrote the third text: “realize it will work out.” And there I was, letting out a huge breath. Which relaxed me. Because I knew he was right. I knew that even though I was feeling like this was the biggest thing going on right now that it was actually not a big deal. So yeah, the breathing and relaxing started to help because I knew it would all work out. It was more the process I was going to have to go through that had me all up in arms.

            Then his fourth text came: “understand some people suck.” Woof. Boy do they. I mean more than some. But I cannot control that. I can only control my reaction to their actions. I learned a long time ago that I should never ask a question if I expected a certain answer. This goes hand in hand with knowing that, yeah, some people do suck.  I was feeling a wee bit better.

            Then the fifth text: “You’re not one of them.” And I started to laugh. And everything was all good. I mean my blood pressure was still elevated, but I was calming down. And smiling.

It amazes me that Cornell has this outlook every moment of every day. He puts faith in every word he speaks and the glass is always half full and he loves every moment of life... even the bad ones. So I made a decision right then and there that no matter what, my happiness would be all on me. If Cornell could do it, then I can do it. And so can you!

Here is an excerpt from Cornell’s first book – The Power of Positivity:

1) Don’t change who you are to change someone’s opinion of who they think you are.
2) Never mistake the people who matter in your life with the ones that don’t.
3) Never doubt yourself others will do that for you.

4) Be aware of people without direction, they’re usually the ones getting other people lost.
5) The more bridges you burn the fewer roads you can travel.
6) Negative people are the best recruiters, don’t take the bait.

7) It’s hard to dream big if you let others make you feel small.
8). Your environment only shapes you it doesn’t make you.
Cornell will be speaking on March 22nd, 2015 at the Iron Bar on South Street in Morristown, NJ at 1:00 pm. It is free to hear his presentation, which is rare. He is speaking as a personal favor to me and because he believes so much in the message he has to tell the world. Come out. Bring friends!

You can RSVP here:

He will also have copies of his book and will sign them for you! If you bring his books that you have already purchased, he will sign those also. 

You can follow Cornell Thomas and Lindsay Klein on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

But just remember:

1. Breathe
2. Relax
3. Realize It Will Work Out
4. Understand Some People Suck
5. You’re Not One of Them